RIT Libraries

Finding Books: e-Books and Print Books

Where should I start with my class research project?

How to Get to the 4th Floor

RIT Library: Study Spots

Virtual Shelf Browsing

Quick intro to ResearchRabbit

How to Search RIT Digital Collections

How can I learn a language on my own?

5 Things You Can Do on the Second Floor

Finding Library eBooks

What Is IDS? - Level Up Virtual

How to Find Textbooks through RIT Libraries

How To: Get to Business Databases

RIT Central Library 360 degree

RIT's Reading Wheel after Ramelli: How It's Made

Level Up Virtual: Library Videos on YouTube

Introduction to Digital Collections

How can I get books/articles the library does not have?

Deaf Art Collections - Level Up Virtual

How can I stream movies through the library?

RIT Library Rules & Regulation

How do I get the full text of an article?

Resource of the Month: US Newsstream (January 2024)

How do I find past RIT theses and dissertations?